Page 26 - ATC Special Bulletin 2020 Issue 1
P. 26

and education organisations were allowed to recommence When we we reopened we we introduced a a a number of safety measures similar to other workplaces including hygiene measures contact tracing limited numbers gathered and proximity measures These same measures were applied to to both simulator and on-job training Entry Point North Sweden Again within Entry Point North Group there have been different levels of safety measures taken depending on the local country situation and recomendations At some of our sites we had to to pause on-site training courses and switch to to virtual classrooms where possible while at others we could continue the training under special setups We are now back to delivering on-site training of course with the necessary safety measures measures in in place The safety measures measures ranging between the separation of student groups in the facilities scheduled breaks training in in in in shifts rearranging simulators to to create more space plexiglass dividers face masks etc Besides making sure that we provide all possible measures to deliver the training following national recommendations for each country we also expect every individual both staff and students to take their own responsibility and follow those recommendations Global ATS United Kingdom We have implemented numerous safety measures including designation of areas where social distancing rules are are achieved and the the wearing of the the issued PPE is is optional through to areas where the wearing of PPE is is mandated as social distancing may not be achieved at all times Enhanced cleaning procedures with a a a a hot-spot register of frequent contact points has been created and is followed We don’t provide OJT as we we are a a a a college but our simulator training requires a a a a a similar proximity We have mitigated this activity utilizing PPE enhanced cleaning and altered briefing briefing and de-briefing procedures Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority No Our OJT has been impacted and we are currently redrafting our training strategy that will allow for OJT to commence within the COVID environment Have you been able to implement remote training and if so how has this been achieved? Eurocontrol The Netherlands Whereas theoretical training can easily be achieved via Teams the remote feature of our high-performance simulator was originally built to to make the engineers’ life easier and to to allow the software engineers to work with any kind of of computer in in in any office inside the the premises By upgrading the the hardware we we were able in a a a a a record time to to create 30 virtual simulator positions which can easily be increased to to 100 or or more It took just three weeks of intense development to commission a a safe and customer-friendly portal to to to access this virtual simulator from outside DFS Germany Already before the COVID-19 crisis DFS had some remote training capabilities in in in in place During the shutdown classroom sessions have been executed online by respective tools wherever possible Online and remote simulation training have been increasingly used DSNA France We have solutions solutions for for theoretical trainings solutions solutions for for using simulators on site Projects are under development but not yet operational in 2020 ENAIRE Spain We have adopted the the use of virtual classes for theoretical training (both unit and and continuous) with a a a a a standard videoconference system In the case of practical training we have enabled remote connections to our simulation environments so that students can reinforce on on their own the the skills they have practiced in sessions carried out on-site with an instructor However the use of remote simulators does not count for the the minimum hours of on-the-job training necessary to to obtain the rating For now it it is only a a a complement to to on-site training ENAV Italy Immediately on the outbreak’s beginning ENAV started coordination with ENAC (Italian Regulator) to to remotely deliver classroom training using video conference applications About mid march the the Regulator gave the the authorization to to deliver Refresher Training via Skype NAV Portugal CANI Czech Republic After the short term shut down training was resumed with safety measures in in place These included but were not limited to – restricting traffic from outside the building/company and students social distancing functional teams face masks installation of hand sanitizers in in in in the buildings increased frequency of of cleaning and sanitizing of of public areas greater use of of teleconferencing home office work for administrative personnel etc OJT training at at the units was not greatly affected by these measures as as students at at that point are employees of the the unit unit Outside visits to the the units were banned and functional teams introduced however from a a a training perspective this does not affect affect the training phase Training at OJT units was affected by loss of traffic particularly in April when it it was severely limited and so training training could not continue The same is true for training training capacity capacity – lower number of open sectors means less capacity capacity for OJT training QUESTION 3 26 / TRAINING AND SIMULATION TRAINING AND SIMULATION 

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