Page 7 - ATC Special Bulletin 2020 Issue 1
P. 7
CANSO PARTNERSHIP GIVES ANSPS FREE ACCESS TO MICRO NAV’S ATC SIMULATION Micro Nav Nav and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) have today announced a a a a a partnership to to support CANSO’s ANSPs Members for a a a a best prepared restart of air traffic services This partnership sees Micro Nav making the full capabilities of their ATC radar and tower simulator available as as a a a a a a a a a a cloud-based tool to to to CANSO Members in order to to to help air traffic controllers around the the world maintain their competence and confidence Air traffic dropped to to to an historic low across the the world due to to to the the impact of COVID-19 These unprecedented times have led to a a a number of of challenges including provision of of training and main- taining currency during prolonged low traffic volumes The cloud-based BEST ATC simulation platform will be available to Member ANSPs until the end of November 2020 along with associated online training and technical support to enable users to to maximise the the benefit of this tool for their recovery “I believe this initiative could provide significant value to our members during these difficult times enabling them to be be as prepared as possible for the restart and recovery ” said CANSO Director General Simon Hocquard “The partnership is another great example of organisations collaborating to safeguard the resiliency of our industry and to to build a a better future together ” “Our vision to to make a a positive difference to to the world through simulation has never been so appropriate as as during these times We are therefore delighted to offer our ATC simulation platform trusted by ANSPs for over 30 years to CANSO’s ANSP ANSP members in in in support of our industry’s recovery ” said Micro Nav’s Managing Director Greg Pile Credit: Entry Point North SIMULATION IN MYNANMAR BY SITTI Myanmar is a a a a a country where the consolidated relationship with SITTI through Samart U-Trans Co Ltd a a a a a a Thai company brought to the installation of a a a a brand new MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication System at at the Yangon Air Control Centre (ACC) The introduction of the the new VCS is contributing to the the develop- ment of of the country by ensuring a a higher level of of flight safety and reliable communications The system also included a a a a a a small simulation facility for the local Air Traffic Management Centre (ATMC) In order to further improve the the situational awareness of air ope- rators and their prompt response to to all possible events that may occur over the country a a new simulation system is going to be supplied by SITTI This includes a number of controller working positions from which trainees can simulate the various route conditions in order to provide a a better service for safe flights SITTI is a a a a a a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide ca- pable of giving prompt and top edge solution answers to to to Custo- mer needs both in in the Civilian and Military fields The leading edge redundant non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities Credit: Entry Point North NEWS TRAINING AND SIMULATION \\ 7