Page 22 - ATC Special Bulletin 2020 Issue 1
P. 22

ARTICLE COVID-19 EFFECTS ON ATC TRAINING By Chris Wade ATC Network We are in an unprecedented time for the aviation industry which is bringing many challenges to all all aspects of the industry But for this edition of the ‘special bulletin’ I wanted to focus on how training is being effected in in ATC Not only in in recruitment and training of new ab initio controllers but also how to maintain competencies for licensed controllers during a a time of low traffic activity In July and and August we sent out a a a a questionnaire to ANSPs and and training organisations worldwide and we have received many responses The rest of this article will feature these answers as to how organisations have dealt with the exceptional challenges they have faced I would like to to personally thank all all that took part in the the questionnaire The order of the the answers has no significance other than the the the order we received them in QUESTION 1 How has the current crisis affected training of Ab Initios? EUROCONTROL MUAC The Netherlands provided by Andreas Sauerwein Deputy Head of Training EUROCONTROL MUAC The crisis forced us to adapt the training approach and combine Credit: Air Traffic Control The Netherlands on-the-job training and simulation In addition because of social distancing and the the the lockdown at the the the beginning of the the the pandemic in in in our region remote training was made available to the the the students so that they could advance their training from home and not waste valuable time Air traffic controller training and and software testing and and development was maintained during lockdown thanks to to enhanced digitalisation In order to to maintain essential controller training and and software testing and and development activities during the lockdown period enhanced digitalisation solutions have been rolled out at at MUAC With this innovative technology MUAC’s Test and Training Infrastructure – a a a a a a highly complex software environment – were made available from outside the the premises to designated users allowing them to to continue to to work remotely via a a a a a secure interface and make active progress with MUAC’s strategic business developments https://www linkedin com/posts/fabec-eu_muac-airtransport- avgeek-activity-6684382694480068609-icr6 This feature can in future be used to improve skills or understanding as part of a a a a a self-learning experience In the future we aim to combine this with artificial intelligence As a a a a result we will be able to introduce very individual innovative and bespoke training training This will increase the the efficiency of the the training training process In order to be prepared for the high traffic levels we normally handle it became necessary – even for the advanced students – to experience multilayer and high-complexity traffic scenarios in the simulator environment They were subsequently checked out in the simulator with representative levels of air traffic 22 / TRAINING AND SIMULATION TRAINING AND SIMULATION 

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